Selected Courses
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Course Title | CRN | Course Number | Credit Hours |
Open Seats | Class Time and Location | Description | Term | Subject | Instructor | Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time | Campus | Days | Instruction Method |
Course Title | CRN | Course Number | Credit Hours |
Open Seats | Class Time and Location | Description | Term | Subject | Instructor | Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time | Campus | Days | Instruction Method | ||
American Government and Politics | Details | 23431 | POLS101 | 3 | 21 | Campus: Online Online Dates: 3/17/2025 - 5/11/2025 Times: TBA - TBA Days: TBA |
Is a course which introduces students to the historical foundation of the American political system and United States Constitution and their impact on citizens. Students analyze how the institutions of the federal government, the Congress, the presidency, and the courts operate, both in theory and in practice, and how they interact with one another. Students examine the role of campaigns and elections in American politics and how political parties, interest groups, and the media influence the domestic and foreign policy making process. Students question political conflicts and how conflicts have affected the process of politics and governmental institutions. Course offered every fall, spring and may be offered during additional sessions. | 202521 | POLS | Staff | 03/17/2025 | 05/11/2025 | Online | O | Online |