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Credit Classes - Spring Term

Course Title CRN Course Number Credit
Open Seats Class Time and Location Description Term Subject Instructor Start Date Start Time End Date End Time Campus Days Instruction Method
Introduction to Environmental Science Details 22585 ENVS101 3 0 Campus: Online

Dates: 2/24/2025 - 5/18/2025
Times: TBA - TBA
Days: TBA
Explores the inter-relationships between humans and the Earth's ecosystems. Fundamentals of ecology, water resources, populations, energy, climate, and nutrient cycling will be covered, as well as the impact of human use and management of the Earth's energy, land, water, and air resources. For students needing a lab course, ENVS 102: Introduction to Environmental Science Laboratory, serves as the accompanying lab.  Course offered every fall, spring and may be offered during additional sessions. 202521 ENVS Spray, James 02/24/2025 05/18/2025 Online O Online