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Continuing Education Courses

Course Title CRN Course Number Cost Open Seats Class Time and Location Description Term Subject Instructor Start Date Start Time End Date End Time Campus Days Instruction Method
HVAC Safety, Tools, and Methods Details 34985 VOA969 $569.00 1 Campus: Dundalk

Dates: 1/28/2025 - 3/13/2025
Times: 05:45 PM - 09:30 PM
Days: T, R    Location: D.CRBL 213
This course is designed to enable the student to learn about identifying and using the special tools of the HVACR trade involved with basic shop practices. Topics to be covered include hand tools and machines; fittings and components; duct installation; tubing, piping, and fittings; threading pipe; and drill press and post grinder. 202570 VOA Staff 01/28/2025 17:45 03/13/2025 21:30 Dundalk TR On-Site