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Continuing Education Courses

Course Title CRN Course Number Cost Open Seats Class Time and Location Description Term Subject Instructor Start Date Start Time End Date End Time Campus Days Instruction Method
Grammar For ESOL Details 32732 ADS653 $159.00 20 Campus: Online

Dates: 12/18/2024 - 2/7/2025
Times: TBA - TBA
Days: TBA
This six-week online course includes in-depth analysis of English grammar for intermediate to advanced English as Second Language college students. Structure of Standard English is explored in order to prepare the learner for regular mainstream English classes. The course is designed to provide students ample opportunities to apply their knowledge to their particular areas of study throughout college and beyond. As one of the required courses in most college ESL programs to transfer to mainstream English or to transfer to a university, this course establishes a foundation for continuous learning and serves as a complement to other courses the student may be taking or will take. Topics to be covered include: a review of all tenses, the use of modals, the adjective clause, the noun clause, the adverb clause, phrases, count and non-count nouns and some English terms. 202570 ADS Staff 12/18/2024 02/07/2025 Online O Online